Thursday 4 November 2010

Analysis of music videos - Kings Of Leon.

Music Video - Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody
I have chosen Kings Of Leon – Use somebody as an example of a performance video. Their genre is rock music. Featured in the video is the use of the bands instruments as a signifier to make it identifiable to the audience.
The structure of the video is that it is a performance video with examples of performing with instruments during their tours and flashes of the band members backstage. This relates to Andrew Goodwin’s theories of that the music video demonstrates genre characteristics.

The mise-en-scene of the video clearly shows the genre of the music throughout by use of locations showing the band playing live in front of a huge audience. Props that are used are the band instruments.
The video contains images of cars, drink and women and these have connotations of a rock and roll type of lifestyle.
Camera work adds to this videos overall look by modifying the speed, using colour filters turning it into black and white at certain points.
The sound in this video is non-diegetic; the music carries on throughout the video.
The myth/ideology is that being in a rock band is a physically demanding but with physical pleasures too. This fits into the stereotype of the rock and roll lifestyle, the audience would immediately recognize. There are action codes for playing the guitar and creating music.

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