Monday 8 November 2010


1. Are you male or female?

2. How old are you?

3. Are you a fan of music videos?

4. If yes explain why..

5. If no explain why..

6. If yes which music videos do you remember?

7. What genre of music do you prefer when watching music videos?

8. Which do you dislike?

9. What themes would you expect to see in a rock music video in particular?

10. What music channels do you like to watch music videos on? 

11. Are there any music tracks in the rock genre that you don’t enjoy without the video?
Please specify

12. Within music videos do you prefer?

13. Do you like music videos that are?

14. When was the last time you bought a Digipak (Music DVD)?

15. Have you bought any music records by The Script?

16. What would you expect from a music video by The Script?
Please specify

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